How I See Myself

I have worked as an auditor before and I took a lot of time digesting a more complex accounting matters.

Now I am re-learning audit subject again because I need to pass my exam, I noticed one thing.

I never see myself as an auditor. Then you are thinking why in the world I took this course in the first place?

To answer you honestly, I thought to build a business you need to be good at accounts.

Well, that was me 6 years ago, now I have a different opinion.

Due to not seeing myself as an accountant but rather as an owner of a business company, I failed to remember the complex part of accounting.

It is like cooking but what you wished to do was painting.

There is lack of detail in the cooking. Lack of timing, taste and technique. You just want to get it done and over with.

Seeing ourselves as someone is knowing it in the first place.

And I am still on that journey.

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