Tweeting about Procrastination

I am a bad procrastinator. Like so bad that I could ignore important stuff and regret it afterwards.

But this morning, when one of my friend texted me saying that he will be ending his study this end of year, I felt really low.

A sudden flashback of memories of all the times where I used to waste my time watching YouTube, surfing in clueless and some other lazy stuff that I did.

I could have eliminate the things I did and focus on my goal. But then it occurred to me that I didn’t have a goal. I used to but I lost it.

What’s the hurt of playing with my smartphone?
What’s the hurt of doing my hobby?
What’s the hurt of watching hours of movies?
What’s the hurt?

The hurt is that at the end of the road we are still fumbling around and some are prepared to face life.

It is like in a race, we have two roads and two runner. The other runner already developed his mind, skills and physical to face life. Then he looked at the other side of the road, lo and behold, stands a runner who are still tweeting about how far have he ran.

Why tweet? Because a tweet is just a tweet. It is used for a person who have nothing else to show other than ‘what’s happening’.

Twitter will need to shut down their company if they are asking ‘what’s developing’. Nobody could ever tweet about that.

While we are busy procrastinating, others are busy developing themselves.

But in the end, it’s hard to know what’s the right thing to do and what’s not to do.

Just remember, do what develops you and enjoy the moment.

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