Weirdest Experience Pt 2

I wrote about my weirdest experience which basically a story of how I am venturing into this new thing. I will tell you guys about it when I am ready.

So I went for the 2nd class and basically the instructor told me about attitude and how it is 90% of the recipe to be successful and the remaining is skill and knowledge which is 5% each.

It is very hard to believe it as my previous job was an auditor and it involved a lot of skill and knowledge.

But then the instructor told us that if we were to hike a mountain, we just need to follow our mountain guide.

If we do it in our own way, maybe we will get to the top but it will take a longer time.

So, they already have a blueprint of how to sell, how to promote and how to gain new client. We just need to follow.

Still, I am very skeptical because if the only thing we do is follow, then why the rate of failures is very high.

There must be something that made them quit and I can only know it once I tried it. Well, we will see.

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